
Showing posts from 2009

I Ponti / Brücke di Elisabeth Oberrauch

Yosemite Valley before Ansel Adams. Underwood & Underwood Stereoscopic Photographs of 1902

"Israel and Palestine: obstacles to peace" by Jeff Halper

The landscape in between of Michael Ackerman at the “Bieler Fototage 2009”

A voice told me

act of courage / atto di coraggio

the usual suffering / la solita sofferenza

Site_Specific: Bunker n° 3, Fortezza

todo lo contrario, según Pedro Juan

Definitivamente / Definitively

Culture meets Economy 2009


Volti migranti a Bologna

Donna Araba, donna in Alto Adige

Let’s talk about us: Migrantes de segunda generación

Frenetic writing

Premios Fundación Biodiversidad - Liderazgo, Innovación y Comunicación Ambiental